Hours and Holiday Closings
Regular Library Hours
Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Closed Sunday
The Library will be closed for the following holidays:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
500 Race Eve
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
The Library closes at Noon on the following holidays:
New Year's Eve
Good Friday
The Library closes at 5 p.m. on the following holiday:
Thanksgiving Eve
Card Requirements
If you meet one or more of the following requirements you are eligible for a Speedway Library card.
- Residence within the Town of Speedway
- Non-resident who owns property in Speedway
- Town of Speedway Employees
If you want to apply for a card and you meet the eligibility requirements you must provide two of the following forms of identification. One of these must include current address.
- Driver's License
- Printed Checks
- Credit Card
- Dwelling Lease
- Current Utility Bill
- Social Security Card
- Current Property Tax Receipt
- Property Deed
- Proof of Town Employment (Payroll Stub)
Patrons who do not meet these requirements must either purchase a $70.00 PLAC card if the patron has a home library or a $100.00 non-resident's card if the patron has no home library.
Fines and Fees
- Check the Materials page for overdue fees
- $0.50 for lost barcodes
- $1.00 for replacement of a lost library card
- $2.00 for damaged audio-visual cases and sleeves
- $6.50 for damaged DVD cases
- $25.00 per returned check
Unattended Child Policy
For the safety and comfort of our youngest patrons, young children must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver. Caregivers must be 12 years old or older.
Supervision requirements for children are as follows:
- Ages 7 and younger
- Must be in sight of a parent, guardian, or caregiver at all times while in the library
- Ages 8-11
- A parent, guardian, or caregiver must be in the library building at all times, but does not need to be in the same room
- Ages 12-17
- May use the library unattended, but legal responsibility is still held by a parent, guardian, or caregiver
- Regardless of age, if a child is in need of additional supervision or is not following library rules, library staff will ask the parent, guardian, or caregiver to accompany the child for the remainder of their visit.
- Exceptions may be made for children to attend certain library programs by themselves at the discretion of library staff. However, their parent, guardian, or caregiver must remain in the library building and rejoin their child immediately after the program.
- Children who are not able to leave the library without an adult should not be in the library alone.
Library staff is not responsible for the supervision of children. However, staff will intervene if children are not following library rules or if they are aware of a problem. Library staff is also not responsible for monitoring which materials children access in the library, including books, databases, and internet sites.
If a young child is found unattended in the library, staff will attempt to locate the parent, guardian, or caregiver and inform them of the Unattended Child policy. If the parent, guardian, or caregiver cannot be found, staff will attempt to call them if emergency contact information is available. If not, library staff will contact the Speedway Police Department to assume responsibility for the child.
If a child under the age of 12 is left at the library after closing, two members of library staff will remain at the library and attempt to contact the parent, guardian, or caregiver. If none can be reached, staff will remain with the child for 60 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, library staff will contact the Speedway Police Department to assume responsibility for the child. Library staff will not transport any child from the library building. An incident report shall be written of this occurrence by the senior staff member who waits.
If a teenage patron is left at the library after closing, the senior library staff member will assess conditions outside the building, patron behavior, and the patron’s comfort and use their best judgment to determine if staff needs to wait with the patron. If it is determined safe for the patron to remain alone and the patron is comfortable doing so, staff will leave the patron outside of the library building unattended. If conditions outside are determined hazardous, staff decides the patron needs supervision, or if the patron is uncomfortable being left by themselves, the same procedure for children under 12 will apply.
Policy revised October 2017